PriceRunner Buyer Protection

When you shop with us, you are covered by the PriceRunner Buyer Protection. This means that your purchase is protected up to £ 5,0

00 if problems occur in connection with your purchase. The Buyer Protection scheme costs nothing and applies to all registered PriceRunner members.

If you are not a PriceRunner member and have visited us through their service, you can still get your purchase covered by the Buyer Protection. All you have to do is register on their website within 60 minutes of making a purchase. It only takes a moment! Get your PriceRunner Buyer Protection today

With the PriceRunner Buyer Protection, you receive compensation for broken goods, if the goods are not delivered, if an individual product is missing on delivery or if the goods are incorrect. In order for the Buyer Protection to apply, the order must be addressed to you as a private person.

If something goes wrong with your purchase, the Buyer Protection covers you for both purchasing and shipping costs. You also receive compensation for any direct financial damage you have suffered as a result of the issue. The Buyer Protection does not compensate you for any depreciation, loss of revenue or other direct or indirect costs.

For full user conditions and a list of categories that are exempt, please visit the PriceRunner website.

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